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How to play

TL;DR It's a photo guessing game played in teams. Each team leader takes turns describing a photo using emojis, and their teammates try to guess the photo correctly. The fewer emojis used for a correct guess, the more points the team earns.

Uploading Photos: Players should upload 28 photos📸 to the game.
Photo Presentation: All the uploaded photos will be shown in a grid, which everyone playing can see on the main playing screen💻.
Team Division: Players must divide themselves into two teams👥. Each team must have one designated leader👑.
Leader's Role: The leaders of each team need to access the "Lead a Game"🐾 page on their personal devices📲 and join the game as a team leader.
Taking Turns: The game operates by taking turns between the two teams. One team plays after the other🎭.
Leader's Job: When it's a team's turn, their leader will be given a random photo🃏 from the set of photos uploaded at the beginning. The leader's task is to describe the given photo by selecting a series of emojis. These emojis will be visible to all participants. 📢
Guessing the Picture: Using the provided emojis, the teammates need to make a guess🫵 and figure out which photo the emojis correspond to🧠.
Earning Points: If the team correctly👍 identifies the photo, they gain ownership🗺️ of that picture, and earn points🪙. Fewer emojis used to describe the photo by the leader results in more points🥇.
Swapping Turns: After each round or turn, the game alternates between the two teams🤭.
Enjoy the Game: Have a great time playing the game🎮️ and enjoy the fun🎊!